With commentary by Patrick Avenell
Here are the four official images Apple supplied of its new magical, stunning, blazing, innovative, thinner, lighter, faster, black, white, vibrant, rich, advanced, enhanced, lightweight, unique, native, incredible, popular, best, revolutionary and magical iPad 2. More for unique imagery, please refer to images taken by journalists that were flown by Apple to the launch event in order to write their own balanced articles.
This is the iPad shown with the Smart Cover protective case. The case can automatically turn the iPad 2 on and off when the tablet is removed or returned to its protective home.
The iPad 2 with the range of Smart Covers available.
FaceTime being demonstrated on the iPad 2. It is possible that this was the first time anyone in the world had ever used FaceTime.
The iPad 2 is very thin and light: much more so than any competitors. It's not all negative: this is a really small device for what it is capable of. (And before anyone complains that I just hate Apple, you should know that I own two iPods and I even purchased an iPad, which was much better than expected.)
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