In an effort to encourage more sustainable garment practices, Electrolux has partnered with renowned Australian designers, Luke Sales and Anna Plunkett of Romance Was Born, as part of a global campaign to inspire consumers to ‘Break the Pattern’.

The partnership with the designer duo aims to demonstrate that used clothes still have value and give consumers the tools to make their clothes last longer.

Electrolux will launch a three-day local pop-up activation in Sydney where attendees can participate in a unique tailoring and clothing refresh experience with Romance Was Born. Guests can bring along a well-loved garment from their wardrobe and receive a one-on-one design consult to discuss how they will breathe new life into the item.

“We have always believed that fashion as it exists today, cannot be our future,” Romance Was Born co-founder, Anna Plunkett said.

“For us, sustainable habits like upcycling are not just a trend, but a way of the tomorrow. Using vintage and reclaimed fabrics and objects has been a big part of our brand DNA since we started Romance Was Born, but that’s not where sustainable fashion habits stop.

“As much as buying responsible fashion is key, it’s only one part of the clothing waste issue. Garment care is an often overlooked, but important, part of the puzzle. Something as simple as washing less, making sure you’re doing full loads and lowering wash temperatures are all switches we can make to help extend the life of your garments and keep clothing out of landfill.”

Every year, millions of tonnes of clothes in good condition are thrown away completely unnecessarily, only being worn 10 times before being discarded. By modernising care technology for all fabrics and inspiring better care habits, Electrolux’s aim is to halve the environmental impact of caring for clothes and prolong the average life of garments.

“Besides the challenges with fast fashion, it’s clear that we need to change the way we use and take care of our clothes,” Electrolux vice president of sustainability, Vanessa Butani said.

“We know from research that extending the life of our clothes by just nine months can reduce the carbon impact, the water impact, and the waste produced by 20 to 30%. There are different ways to do this – repair or upcycle old clothes, and air, steam, or wash clothes in a way that is more sustainable.”