By Martin Vedris

SYDNEY: The new iRobot Roomba 530 bagless robotic vacuum cleaner (RRP $499) has been launched by Salton and it offers a number of new features and technologies over the previous models, including a self charging home base which it automatically docks into.

According to Salton, this robotic vacuum cleaner is suitable for carpets and hard floors and has improved brush designs for better removal of hair. The company says it also, requires less maintenance, has greater suction and improved side brushes to clean the edge and corers with more power.

Counter rotating brushes sweep large particles, the squeegee vacuum sucks up smaller particles and the spinning edge cleaning side brushes sweep dirt from wall edges and corners.

Newly developed anti-tassel technology helps the Roomba 530 to avoid rugs, cords and other snags. The ‘light touch’ bumpers sense walls and slow the unit down while on-board sensors help the unit avoid falling down stairs. It also comes with self charging home base which the Roomba automatically docks into to recharge between cleans.

The Roomba 530 automatically adjusts from carpets to hard floors and a new virtual wall keeps the Roomba out of designated off-limit areas.