In bid to become more environmentally friendly.

Ahead of the much-anticipated launch of the Galaxy S8 smartphone this week, Samsung has confirmed its commitment to recycle and process in an environmentally-friendly manner in relation to Note 7 devices, with the implementation of three principles.

  1. Devices will be considered as refurbished phones or rental phones where applicable
  2. Salvageable components will be detached for reuse
  3. Processes such as metals extraction will be performed using environmentally friendly methods

With regard to the first principle, applicability is dependent upon consultations with regulatory authorities and carriers as well as due consideration of local demand. The markets and release dates will be determined accordingly.

For remaining Galaxy Note 7 devices, components such as semiconductors and camera modules shall be detached by companies specialising in such services and used for test sample production purposes.

Finally, for leftover component recycling, Samsung will extract precious metals, such as copper, nickel, gold and silver by utilising eco-friendly companies specialising in such processes.

Samsung plans to join the EU’s research and development and test efforts to develop new eco-friendly processing methods.

Samsung Australia has been contacted for local comment.