With mobile consumption on the rise.

Australian consumers lead the world in terms of fitness band adoption, with 18% using a chosen tracker compared to 9% globally, the latest Deloitte Mobile Consumer Survey has revealed. Furthermore, around 11% of Australian respondents to the survey indicate they plan to purchase a fitness band in the next 12 months.

Despite the slow uptake of the Internet of Things, mobile phone consumption continues to increase, according to Deloitte national consumer products leader, Vanessa Matthijssen.

Australian mobile phone ownership has climbed again to 84% of all Australians, ahead of the global average (81%), and 5% higher than last year. This high saturation raises questions in terms of the effects of mobile ownership on the Australian retail consumer industry.


“The report brings to life a focus on the Internet of Things and the extent to which the home environment will continue to change in response to new technologies in the home and improved understanding of consumption through interactive devices and in-home applications.

“While slow, the report suggests adoption of the Internet of Things may grow as more homes undergo major renovations, but the report notes some modest growth in the demand for smart connected security systems,” Matthijssen said.

“The next exciting wave that builds on the mobile consumption growth, is the connection the consumer will have with the physical product. Particularly when the product truly matters to them.

“We may have seen relatively slow adoption rates in the connected home devices where consumers could start to interact with their dishwasher, security and lights, and receive information on usage and costs, but that doesn’t mean we should feel discouraged. We should ask ourselves whether the consumer cares enough about the value add of these digital services. Instead, we should focus on building connected products in areas where consumers have indicated to have a clear information hunger,” she explained.